





為了找出答案,我就找一些有翻譯版本的書,例如 Harry Potter, 先借英文版,不喜歡看,我就去借中文版。試過很多本,得出結論:他不喜歡英文書的內容, 因為換了他看得懂的中文版,他仍然不喜歡那些書。

他也有喜歡的英文書,就是Roald Dahl 的作品,但也不是全部喜歡,喜歡的那些已看過十几次,一直也找不到類似的。



我兒子不喜歡看英文書,是因為,英文書沒有什麼劇情!Roald Dahl 那幾本他喜歡的,正是很有劇情的。


另外,他們的chapter books經常是「罐頭故事」,即是集集差不多,例如老鼠記者丶神奇樹屋,每集都是同一個套路。我發現美劇集也有這個情況,反正就是同一批角色換不同場景,你中間的集數不看跳去後面也一樣看得懂。而中文劇集通常一定要順住追,沒看幾集已經接不上劇情,中文書也一樣,中間幾集不看跳到後面集數會看不懂,因為不是罐頭式的。

喜歡看劇情/科幻的是T型,喜歡看美圖及天馬行空的幻想故事,是F型。所以如果你的孩子是F型的,他/她很可能會觉得英文書更好看的,例如我叔仔女兒是 isfp, 她就覺得Harry Potter 好看得不得了!


後來他自己喜歡上看 YouTube 的英文片,英文又追上來了!



4 則留言:

芝芝 說...

請問你兒子喜歡睇既roald dahl係邊幾本

晉彥媽手記 說...

Charlie and the chocolate factory
Fantastic Mr. FOX
George's marvelous medicine
James and the giant peach

Let’s try!

Alice 說...

I see the problem this way. The fact that many school children in Hong Kong prefer Chinese books to English books is likely due to two reasons:

1) Their Chinese proficiency level is higher than their English proficiency level so they can read Chinese books intended for older children, whereas for English books, they can only read the ones intended for younger children. This means that many school children in Hong Kong have a larger range of Chinese books to choose from. Moreover, books written for older kids are in generally more interesting than those written for younger ones.

2) A lower English proficiency level also creates a barrier to reading. Because it is harder for the Hong Kong school students to read English books, they are less motivated in reading a particular English book unless the book is very interesting.

I have exactly the same problem with Japanese books. My Japanese language proficiency level is not high enough so I will not be motivated in reading a Japanese novel unless the book is exceptionally interesting.

The inability to find reading material of a particular language that is both level appropriate and interesting at the same time is a common bottleneck in language learning and it is not one that is easy to overcome.

晉彥媽手記 說...

Generally, what you said is true. But in my case, my son is clever enough to have an aggressive reading above his age, but the content of English children books are too F. Please don't neglect this point. For T person, those witches, dragon, princess, Harry Potter style, are very boring. They don't have enough children books such as magic school bus, horrible science, Roald dalh books etc. This may due to the kids with English mother tongue focus on art more than science.