

原來大部分人都不知道如何用 chatGPT 給自己的作文評分,包括米米的學校老師,在此給大家示範一下。

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以下是米米和 chatGPT 的prompts:


I want you to act as an IELTS marker. Your task is to analyse the following essay written by a candidate in IELTS Writing Task 2.Both the question and the candidate’s response are given. You should analyse the task achievement/response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy of the essay, then giving an overall IELTS band score.

The question is:  

Because of modern technology, it is no longer necessary for people to learn handwriting skill, but others believe that handwriting is still an important skill.

Discuss both and give your opinion.

The student’s response is: 

People have a myriad of views about whether handwriting skills is still important nowadays, given the recent technological advancements. Although some people may think that handwriting is no longer important nowadays, I still believe that handwriting is a useful skill to have.

Among the reasons why some may think that handwriting has little importance in the modern world, probably the most obvious is that handwriting mails has been replaced by texting and email online as a way of communication. The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, allowing us to stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues wherever and whenwver we are instantly, eliminating the geographical boundaries that used to constraint traditional mail. A striking illustration is that smartphones have applications such as Gmail or Whatsapp, which allows you to type and send any message to people with little delay. This in turn reduces the need to write physical letters to people, leading to the phenomenon that there is little need to write with paper and pen in the modern world.

However, I would agree with those who believe that handwriting still remains to be a significant skill nowadays. Probably the first reason popping into my mind is that people at a tender age may learn languages more easily writing the words by hand, as they would have muscle memory of the characters. A striking illistration is that children tend to learn English much faster in primary schools in which written worksheets and exams are given, rather than kindergarden where little handwriting is involved. This in turn shows that handwriting is a vital part of learning a language. It should also be noted that handwriting is also vital in large enterprises and the government, as confidential information that an organisation can not afford to get leaked should be handwritten as it is much more difficult to maliciously access a physical document than hacking into a computer and retriving a computer document. Physical signatures on a document by the owner of the document, which is also a type of handwriting, is useful to vertify whether the document is legitamate as well, so higher managers of a company, for example the CEO, must develop a consistent style of handwriting to sign their documents.

It is against these backdrops that while there are some reasons to believe that handwriting is no longer important, my own view is that handwriting still holds it's significance in the modern world.

然後,chatGPT 的回應是:

Overall, the candidate has addressed the topic and provided a clear opinion on the issue of whether handwriting is still important in today's world. The essay is well-organized and coherent, with clear topic sentences and supporting details. The candidate has also demonstrated a good command of vocabulary, using a range of vocabulary related to the topic. However, there are some issues with grammar and sentence structure that affect the clarity of the writing.

In terms of task achievement/response, the candidate has addressed all aspects of the question and has provided a clear opinion. The introduction provides a good overview of the topic and the candidate's position. The body paragraphs provide reasons why some people think handwriting is no longer important, as well as reasons why handwriting is still relevant today. The conclusion summarizes the main points and restates the opinion.

In terms of coherence and cohesion, the essay is well-organized and easy to follow. Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and supporting details. Transition words and phrases are used effectively to connect ideas between paragraphs and sentences. However, there are some instances where the connection between ideas is not clear, particularly in the second paragraph where the transition between the first and second sentence is abrupt.

In terms of lexical resource, the candidate has demonstrated a good range of vocabulary related to the topic. The candidate has used some academic vocabulary, such as "myriad" and "illustration," and has also used some specific vocabulary related to the topic, such as "physical signatures" and "confidential information." However, there are some instances where vocabulary is used incorrectly or inappropriately, such as "whenwver" instead of "whenever" and "legitamate" instead of "legitimate."

In terms of grammatical range and accuracy, there are some issues with sentence structure and grammar that affect the clarity of the writing. There are some instances where the sentence structure is awkward or unclear, such as in the second paragraph where the sentence "This in turn reduces the need to write physical letters to people, leading to the phenomenon that there is little need to write with paper and pen in the modern world" could be rephrased for better clarity. There are also some instances of incorrect subject-verb agreement, such as in the sentence "Physical signatures on a document by the owner of the document, which is also a type of handwriting, is useful to vertify whether the document is legitamate."

Overall, the essay demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and provides a clear opinion. However, there are some issues with grammar and sentence structure that affect the clarity of the writing. Considering all aspects, I would give this essay an IELTS band score of 6.5.

到底chatGPT 的評分準不準呢?我不知道,但評語看起來非常靠譜!

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