

今朝在UCLA Secrets 群組看到有人分享患上新冠的第一身感受,很替她難受。內容如下:

"I love my mother to death and honestly I don’t know how I could live without her. I am 24 and we have such a strong bond. She was diagnosed with covid 8 days ago and she’s been getting worse and worse. I would bring her food and cook for her bring her medicine and spend time in the house making sure she was comfortable. Today is day 9 of her having covid and it hurts seeing her so feeling so bad not being able to get out of bed or eat or drink much. This Friday I was diagnosed with covid as well and I’ve been deteriorating fast as well. It hit me so fast. That Friday around 6pm when I woke up I had a bad headache and fever and chills around 2am I couldn’t take the chest pains and went to the ER and I was given oxygen and was kept there for a day till I felt a bit better. Now I’m feeling so bad on day 3 I feel weak. Talking feels like a work out. I’m healthy and I don’t smoke or do drugs and I’m in shape but yet this hit me so hard and I feel worse as days progress. My heart feels like it’s racing and I’m trying to care for my mother at the same time so it’s not easy. All I know is that people shouldn’t take this lightly. This doesn’t feel like the cold it feels much worse my chest burns when I take deep breaths I feel so weak and out of it but I’m more scared of losing my mother as she’s has pneumonia before. This thing feels so horrible so please take my advice and be careful just because you think you’re young and healthy don’t mean this can’t mess you up bad. The breathing is what feels horrible and how bad it feels and over all malaise."


這個24歲的 UCLA 學生,是由於照顧患上新冠的媽媽而感染的的,媽媽病了9日,都是在家由他/她照顧。最後自己中了,也只是入過一天醫院,如果她在香港,一定會被隔離,會得到很好的治療。現在她們是自己在家中自生自滅捱到好為為止,天生天養。難怪川普說漂白水有效都有有幾十單飲了漂白水送院的情況,因為實在「無計可施」,死就死。



經此一役,我們睇開的講大陸樓宇的 youtuber 說自己的瀏覽量突然暴增,很多海外華人可能想回流了!


